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Dim Light Melatonin Testing Overview


Melatonin Testing for Sleep Medicine Health Providers

Due to the circadian system’s propensity to be modulated by important environmental cues, Circadian Phase Profiles have been shown to reliably index circadian timing and help clinicians quickly evaluate (but not limited to):

  • Circadian rhythm function (is the circadian rhythm aligned, misaligned, too short, too long, or varying with time?)
  • Melatonin overproduction or underproduction
  • Treatment schedule(s) (bright light therapy or supplementation timing)
  • Dosage regimen(s)
  • Idiosyncratic drug interactions that may disrupt circadian timing/melatonin production

Which test should I provide my patients?

Many practitioners initiate the standard 7-sample Dim Light Melatonin Onset (DLMO) before incorporating more complex test protocols. Presented below are “quick start guides” that offer an overview of each available assessment, complemented by illustrative example results, both of typical and atypical cases. The accompanying table can aid in selecting test protocols suitable for routine disturbances. However, for a more personalized approach tailored to your patient’s distinct sleep-wake history, we encourage you to reach out to our service team at 760-448-5397 where a representative can offer recommendations based on your patient’s specific sleep-wake history.

General Recommendations & Sample Timing

Biology of Sleep Assessment
Collect a Sample
Trouble Falling Asleep (within 2 hours of Bedtime) 7-Sample Onset Every hour, starting 5 hours before bedtime.
Trouble Falling Asleep (within 4 hours of Bedtime) 9-Sample Onset Every hour, starting 5 hours before sleep onset (on average).
Trouble Staying Asleep (within 4 hours of Bedtime) 7-Sample Onset Every hour, starting 1 hour before bedtime.
Trouble Staying Asleep (All Night) Partial 24-HR Circadian Phase Map Every 1.5 hours, starting 2 hours before bedtime
Trouble Waking Up (within 2 hours of Desired Wake Time) 7-Sample Offset Every half-hour, starting at awakening
Trouble Staying Awake (within 4 hours of Desired Wake Time) 7-Sample Offset Every hour, starting at awakening
Trouble Staying Awake (All Day) Partial 24-HR Circadian Phase Map Every 1.75 hours, starting 2 hours before awakening
Trouble Staying Awake (within 2 hours of Bedtime) 7-Sample Onset Every hour, starting 5 hours before bedtime
Trouble Staying Awake (within 4 hours of Bedtime) 9-Sample Onset Every hour, starting 7 hours before bedtime
Irregular Sleep-Wake Routine (varies by more than 1-4 hours every day) Full 24-HR Circadian Phase Map Every 2.75 hours, starting at awakening

Melatonin Testing Example Report Overview

Anatomy of a Results Report

Salimetrics melatonin testing reports combine both a simple overview and an in-depth summary of a patient’s Circadian Phase Assessment. This allows sleep medicine providers flexibility in interpreting results. The Final Results Report is split into 2 pages with a total of 5 sections:

  1. Circadian Phase Graph (Pg 1)
    The most critical component of your results report is the Circadian Phase Profile. Here you will be able to determine the overall shape of an individual’s circadian phase in relation to the specific test-type. Often, a normal profile is distinctly different than an abnormal profile. This profile report will also indicate bedtime, wake time, onset, or offset, when applicable.
  2. Lab Summary (Pg 1)
    The lab summary identifies key points from the results profile, such as baseline, peak, dates of collection and report, as well as the estimated onset time (if applicable). For the + Stress tests, it will also identify specific melatonin and cortisol profiles individually. As a reference, we also include the assay values, if needed for quality control.
  3. Test Summary (Pg 1)
    The test summary simply provides a basic description of the specific test and any designations. This is generally for individuals, whom also receive a copy of their results.
  4. Lab Report (Pg 2)
    In this section, users can identify specific details of each individual sample, including the collection time and its corresponding reference value relative to the routine sleep/wake time (where applicable). This section is primarily intended for advanced users seeking to conduct their own calculations or analyze precise differences in values. Additionally, any pertinent calculations are provided below for future reference, if needed.
  5. Sample Notes (Pg 2)
    Lastly, this section encompasses all relevant sample information, such as details regarding medications, supplementation, or any user-provided details. Additionally, it includes notes on the sample’s condition and whether any specialized methodology or sample processing was employed.

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Example Results Reports

Each results report is specific to the Circadian Phase Assessment performed. You can review sample reports below for each of the 3 circadian phase profiles offered to better understand the information provided in each.

Sample Onset (DLMO)

Sample 24-HR Circadian Phase Map

Sample Offset (DLMOff)

Contact: Salimetrics (USA)
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